BuntBrain LeakFinder uses artificial intelligence to narrow down the location of leaks in water networks.
Leak Detection: Adapts to any water network requirement
DMA based pre-location
AI detects and pre-locates events at DMA level.
Virtual DMA based pre-location
AI detects and pre-locates events at pipe level.
Real Time Monitoring
BuntBrain LeakFinder Benefits

- Lower CAPEX and OPEX
- High return on investment and short payback
- Reduction of water production costs
- Improved human resources efficiency

- Reduction of water loss and water production needs
- Increases network efficiency
- Detection and management of thousands of events
- Early and remote leak detection and location which avoids bursts
Obtained Technical Results

- More than 50% water loss reduction in already optimised networks.
- Identifies leaks at their initial state (<0.3l/s) before they cause further damage or losses.
- Detection and management of thousands of events.

- When data is loaded, calculations to detect and locate leaks are done in approximately 1 hour within <200m.
Leak Detection: Classic Monitoring Versus AI Approach