Sydney Water saving with WaterGroup
Sydney Water and WaterGroup have been working together to roll out online water monitoring for its business and industrial users.

Smart Assets Bring Supermarket Big Water Savings
Woolworths overcomes water savings challenges using smart water meters.

Smart Water Metering at McDonald's 1000th Restaurant
WaterGroup, Australia's only integrated corporate water savings company has deployed its smart water metering solution into McDonald's 1000th sustainable flagship restaurant in Melton South, Victoria this month.

WaterGroup shares its part in Sydney Water's leak prevention through acoustic monitoring
WaterGroup is one of the largest integrated corporate water savings companies in Australia and is widely-recognised as a leader in smart water metering, leak detection and water efficiency.

Byron Shire Council selects WaterGroup for smart water meter trial
Council has awarded a tender for the supply of smart water meters for its trial project on residential and commercial properties in east Mullumbimby and selected bulk recycled water clients in Byron Bay.

$72,000 worth of water saved across major commercial property portfolio in NSW
CBRE shares the benefits of smart water metering for its major commercial customer, Place Management NSW.

Retirement Villages save $180K worth of water
The portfolio manager for retirement villages across Australia has saved over 17 Olympic-sized pools of water and reduced residents' outgoings by more than $180,000. Part of its approach involved working with WaterGroup, Australia's largest corporate water savings company with a proven track record of saving money and water for its clients.

Western Water smart metering trial supports better water management
In late 2018, when Western Water set out to find a cost-effective solution to better understand class B and C recycled water consumption for key irrigation / water customers, it turned to WaterGroup for help.

Dubbo Regional Council - Pressure Reduction Valve Monitoring
Dubbo Regional Council has commenced a program to monitor some of their critical Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs). WaterGroup's integrated NB-IoT and cloud-based PRV Monitoring Kit was the chosen solution.

Fremantle WA Water Meter Trials
This trial is part of the RENeW Nexus project which is supported by City of Fremantle, Water Corporation, energyOS and the Australian Government through the Smart Cities and Suburbs Program.

Bundaberg Regional Council - Smart Water Meter Pilot
We are doing a 12 month trial with WaterGroup NB-IoT enabled smart water meters, to explore the benefits of incorporating smart technology in to the region water meter reading infrastructure." said Water and Wastewater portfolio spokesperson, Bundaberg Regional Council

Smart Metering gets Quick Results for Metro Trains / VicTrack
Metro Trains' supply of water comes through three main water meters, so WaterGroup installed three 3G loggers and then developed a dashboard with customised graphs so they could see the cumulative usage of all three meters with individual site breakdowns.
It wasn't long after install that Metro Trains quickly noticed on the dashboard some big jumps in water usage, which indicated a water burst / leak. Savings were in the order of >10,000 kL/wk!

Water Management Audits at 20 Sites
City of Casey is constantly pursuing excellence in water conservation and efficiency. It is for this reason they engaged WaterGroup to conduct a water efficiency audit at 20 of their community buildings and facilities. These sites were chosen as they had experienced highly variable water consumption patterns in the last three years. These variable patterns indicated the presence of potential leaks and abnormal consumption patterns.

Deakin University Water Savings
WCG completed a water audit for Deakin University Melbourne Campus at Burwood. To identify effective water savings measures for diverse, complex sites like university campuses, a good understanding of how much water is used in different parts of the site is needed.

Canberra Airport are flying through leakage issues
"WaterGroup were terrific to work with, they detected 2 water leaks for us, in a professional, collaborative and timely manner" - Airport Infrastructure Manger, Canberra Airport

Sodexo - Water Efficiency Audit for Rio Tinto Mining Villages, WA
WaterGroup conducted a water efficiency audit for Sodexo across two of their mining villages located in the Pilbara region in Western Australia. Next steps involve helping them develop a comprehensive water management plan to address common issues at mining sites such as high levels of water loss due to breakages and bursts and variable water quality. A comprehensive monitoring scheme will also be implemented which will provide records that will aid in analysing where and how water is used in order to better identify leaks and inefficiencies.

Pemulwuy Shopping Centre - Smart Water Metering
In 2017, after implementation, a 35L/min leak was found. Rectifying the leak saved the centre $1,200 per week.

Water Utility - Permanent Leak Monitoring
Our Sebalog N-3 Network permanent leakage monitoring system implemented in 2017 will mean fewer burst pipes and water disruptions for one Australia's major cities.

Fairfield Council - Implements Smart Water Meters at 3 Aquatic Centre
In just over a week a leak was detected saving them $4,500 a month.

Australian National University - Smart Water Meters to Minimise Water Wastage
It took six weeks for $300,000 in potential water usage savings to be identified at ANU.

Federation University - Smart Water Meters to Manage Water Wastage
A water leak was found within a week. If unnoticed, it would have cost the university $21,000 a month.

RMIT City Campus Performance Contracting Project
WaterGroup in collaboration with Siemens was engaged by RMIT to supply, install and provide a holistic water efficiency and risk management service for 20 water meters at the City campus. The service is part of a larger EPC/performance contracting project currently underway at RMIT. The active management service guaranteed 7,215kL/yr savings for RMIT. In just a few months since commencement, RMIT found a large leak through the active monitoring service which saved them approximately $22,000/month!

Aged Care Facility, Southern Cross Care - Big Savings with Smart Water Metering
The smart water metering implementation at their Turramurra facility proved itself instantly by discovering a 160 litres/minute leak costing the client close to $700 a day!

Water Utility - Waterloss Management - Leak Detection and Investigation
During a leak detection demo for our client who had suspected a leak, we ended up discovering numerous leaks and a damaged pipe.

Large Resort - Waterloss Management - Investigating a rise in Water Consumption
After a series of flow tests, pipe tracing and acoustic monitoring, we discovered the resort was losing 120 litres of water per minute, $140,000/yr. They also had a pipeline that was leaking at a rate equivalent to approximately $300,000/yr.

Entertainment Venue - investigate Base Flow
WaterGroup checked the base flow using a combination of ultrasonic flow measurement and acoustic correlation. Faulty valves were discovered in various states of failure. Potential of damage to infrastructure avoided.

Dubbo City Council - Investigation into Automated Meter Reading (AMR)
WaterGroup provided a consultation report to Dubbo City Council which contained a rigorous cost and benefit analysis of automated meter reading (AMR) systems in Australia. Report also provided case studies on previous AMR systems implemented, a features list and a comprehensive comparison of technologies available.

Power and Water - Water Use Assessment and Leakage Test
Assessment of large increase in water usage in the remote community, Epenarra. The project included assessment of residential and commercial use plus a leakage step test of the water network.

Mt Buller Mt Stirling Resort Management - Strategic Water Supply Monitoring System
The project consisted of designing a metering strategy to remotely and automatically monitor water use at the ski resort.

Power and Water - Galiwinku Leakage Assessment and WaterLoss Investigation
The project consisted of a comprehensive water loss investigation. Ongoing assistance was provided to minimise water loss in the remote indigenous community. The project covered design and commissioning of pressure management, acoustic leakage detection survey and leakage pinpointing.

Queensland Hospital - Stormwater Treatment Plant
WaterGroup built a stormwater treatment plant for a Queensland Hospital. The plant provides a sustainable water supply for the cooling towers at the hospital.

Supermarket - Savings with Smart Metering
Smart Metering for 158 stores all across Australia. The Operation, maintenance and monitoring of smart metering data provides the food retail giant with actionable items and verification of water savings achieved. The program is providing the organisation with sizeable water and cost savings every month. $2 for every $1 to be precise.

School - Smart Metering across 90 Schools
Installation of a smart metering system on water, electricity, solar and gas meters at 90 Public Schools. Designed a special student friendly smart metering website interface to integrate water and energy management in a curriculum.
Our Clients
WaterGroup works with some of Australia's largest private and public entities. See some of our clients below.