Benefits of Digital Metering

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WG Captis & W350

Customer related

  • Help customers find leaks early to avoid bill shock
  • Improve customer relations regarding water leaks and other issues
  • Generally better able to communicate with residents
  • Resolve billing issues more quickly and easily with fewer person-hours
  • Easier to resolve other customer complaints
  • Avoid spending hours and hours to resolve an issue where "a picture is worth a thousand words"
  • Improved management of strata sub-metering; less hours needed
  • Get accurate readings at the exact date of property changeover

Water loss reduction

  • Online water balancing for DMA and leakage management
  • Easier to find leaks, reduce leak run times, early detection and notification
  • Assist in the early identification of major breaks, i.e. less high impact, avoid negative PR and costly bursts (as they are almost always proceeded by a smaller leak)
  • Improved response times

Demand management/drought response

  • Better understanding of water use
  • Education opportunity
  • Demand management - actively influence water use
  • More options and more prepared for effective drought management
  • Better and easier checking and ensuring compliance with water restrictions
  • Receiving early data for feedback on how much education/messaging/restrictions impact demand
  • Simple to identify (prove) and communicate breaches of restrictions
  • Data and usage patterns determine how many people live at a residence. Permits to differentiate between essential and non-essential use. It makes it possible to drive the right behaviour through demand-based pricing, e.g. significant extra $/kL charges for non-essential water use.
  • Better emergency water management during fires but also in times of flood (water treatment capacity severely constrained due to poor inflow water quality, limited power, equipment failure, etc.)

Increased revenue/better billing accuracy

  • Increased revenue with electronic meters (4% more)
  • No more leak rebates (as customers get told when they have a leak)
  • Increased billing accuracy, no manual read errors
  • More timely and frequent, including, e.g. monthly billing or fully automated electronically
  • Improved cashflow
  • Follow up earlier with customers having payment issues or disputing bills - less write-offs
  • Re Bulk Supplier: Find early, quantify and document easily bulk billing discrepancies

Admin, controlling and reporting

  • Streamline data flow.
  • Streamline reporting
  • Consistency of all meter-related information ("one source of truth")
  • Less time spent entering the same data multiple times
  • More accuracy, less time spent chasing errors
  • More accurate billing and payments to the bulk supplier
  • Integrate with other systems and share data with others, e.g. bulk suppliers or industry
  • Integrate with trade waste systems
  • Better pricing for SDF

Operational benefits/planning

  • Better, more accurate data for planning new infrastructure. Could delay augmentation of pipes, expansion of plants, or new plant(s) - deferred capital cost. Reduce size, more accurate design base, significant cost and risk reduction.
  • Optimise the size of assets, e.g. pipes
  • Resolution of operational inefficiencies. See outliers early and easily.
  • All readings taken at the same time, easier and more accurate water balance
  • Understand and identify possible operational issues, e.g., online water balancing may highlight that another zone was supplied from the same reservoir or that DMA was breached.
  • Assist to pick up possible operational disruptions early
  • Identify pressure fluctuations, less risk for pipe breaks
  • More active, less reactive maintenance
  • Feed into hydraulic modelling.
  • Improved public health
  • Remain in line with other Councils/Utilities
  • Keep up with technology, not being left behind on future efficiency gains and operational demands

Our Clients

WaterGroup works with some of Australia's largest private and public entities. See some of our clients below.