Thank you for having a laugh with us this April Fools’ Day.

Unresolved leaks can be expensive and even create water related property damage. Luckily you don’t have to go into lockdown for it!

What you can do though is:

If you are a residential property owner experiencing high water bills or leaks, 
please call your Water Utility for help. They may have a real smart water metering solution for you to use.

If you are a commercial or industrial property manager, tenant or owner experiencing leaks and large water bills contact us about our property smart water metering solutions. Yes, they are real!

If you are a Water Utility looking for a smart water metering solution for your residents - contact us about our utility smart water metering solutions.

Here’s a quick look at our property solution.

property solution

Our Clients

WaterGroup works with some of Australia's largest private and public entities. See some of our clients below.